Task 1 and 2- Regarding my researching skills, I believe that the information that I can obtain is very high and the amount of information is enough to be seen as appropriate for the task that was set however I could have researched operating systems and data as well as the obvious.
Task 3 - In this particular Task I believe that the system of passing around a mind map through the class worked effectively as we came up with new and improved ideas. This said in our group we came up with a basic idea of a candy or sweet themed game. We researched the enemies which could be rotten fruit and sweets while the good guys could be fruit, veg and sweets.
Task 4 - By using the basic ideas in Task 3, we came up with a game design which was named "Kandy Kingdom". Using everybody's artistic talent we gathered an array of characters and titles. The basic idea was then presented to the class. The idea was cute yet effective for the younger generation however if I was to do this task again I would draw the pictures on Photoshop to give the presentation of our work a professional and realistic feel.
Task 5 - In this task we had to come up with a game character who is created by word association. I used Dangerous Dolphin as my character and have created a muscle man as my picture. If I was to recreate this Task I would have made the character simpler and easier to draw as it was difficult to finish on time.
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